
Nov 21, 2022

Building A Solid Business Strategy

A successful business venture begins with a good business strategy.

So then, what is a business strategy?

A business strategy is a master plan that a company's management creates and implements to maintain a competitive position in the market, continue operations, satisfy consumers, and accomplish the intended business outcomes. It is a long-term vision of where the company wants to go.

When writing a business strategy, it is critical to consider current resources and impediments, as well as people, money, power, and materials, all of which must be in alignment with the organization's vision, mission, and goals.

Business strategies frequently employ a variety of ways to meet the company's objectives. Some of those include: giving information, reinforcing support, removing barriers, and allocating resources to ensure the desired success while achieving the vision and mission.

On the other hand, strategies describe how to proceed to achieve intended outcomes. The strategies assist the business in determining how to concentrate on the most important aspects of its vision and goals.

Strategic management can assist in achieving a planned dynamism that motivates senior management and strategists in the firm to develop strategic thinking and vision for the future by perceiving reality and predicting market variables, responding quickly to customer needs, and predicting future behavior to gain a competitive advantage.

Levels of Business Strategy

Three levels exist. viz:

  • The corporate level
  • The business level
  • The functional level

1. The Corporate level strategy:

At the corporate level, the business areas in which your organization will operate are defined. It has to do with managing resource deployments across multiple business areas, both related and unconnected. At this level, strategy design comprises combining and managing multiple businesses while attaining corporate synergy. The business strategy lays out the steps that must be taken to realize your company's goal.

2. The Business level strategy:

Business-level strategies are developed for individual strategic business units and are focused on a single product market segment. It comprises determining the competitive position of a key business unit. The business-level strategy is developed using the general strategies of overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. The CEOs of strategic business units and their teams decide on company level strategy based on the unique characteristics of the industry in which they operate.

3. The Functional level strategy:

These plans are developed by functional heads, first-line managers, and supervisors, in collaboration with their teams. They are aligned with business-level strategies. At the functional level, strategies comprise setting short-term functional goals that will help realize the business-level plan. In business, many strategies at various levels are usually required because a single strategy is not only insufficient but also ineffective. As a result, a typical corporate structure will always have three layers.

The steps to creating a strong business strategy include:

1. Develop a clear vision:

A vision, often known as a vision statement, is a projection of the future. It should include ambitions for the type of organization you want to be, and, unlike a mission statement, it must define success in concrete terms (customers, markets, volume, etc.).

2. Determine what constitutes a competitive advantage:

Identifying how a firm can give distinctive value to its customers is at the heart of strategy. Companies in many sectors of the economy are drowning in a sea of similarities. In its service offering, pricing model, delivery method, and other areas, a well-thought-out business strategy should evaluate how a company might create space from competitors.

3. Define your objectives:

Poor targeting is one of the most major hurdles to growth. Companies suffer from a confusing message and, as a result, misalignment between sales and marketing in the absence of extremely specific aims. Companies can focus resources by defining niches and expertise (of course, some companies are generalists by design). Clear target markets enable a corporation to develop an integrated sales and marketing strategy, in which marketing facilitates sales productivity.

4. Concentrate on long-term growth:

A thriving firm is a growing firm. Companies can only afford good technology, the best staff, and better equipment if they are growing. The strategic plan should indicate which areas a company will grow in and by what percentage such that the product mix produces a certain net margin. Only after reaching such conclusions will a corporation be able to determine how much overhead, and other expenses it can afford.

5. Make informed decisions:

It's a 'garbage in, rubbish out" exercise when it comes to strategy. Executives frequently complain about a lack of good data, but we regularly unearth information that helps them design strategies. We once assisted a Vistage member who was attempting to calculate the value of various segments served. We were able to quantify real shipments of merchandise by potential customers by consulting the public records of a local port.

6. Think long term:

Planning horizons are shorter than they used to be in the face of rapid change. On the other hand, only thinking in quarters is a trap that can deprive businesses of their potential to see around corners. Best-in-class companies develop strategies as a constant process rather than a one-time event. Companies can consider long term while remaining adaptable. For example, an external forces analysis is a crucial aspect of strategy. Companies should be reviewing long-term external pressures and pivoting based on fresh knowledge, to continually remain competitive

7. Make an effort to be inclusive:

Companies should involve more people in their strategy than in the past to remain dynamic. There will undoubtedly be an upwards trend in company growth with greater inclusiveness and transparency, which introduces new ideas to the firm. Choosing who to involve in the strategy development process is a crucial decision. Business owners should surround themselves with individuals they can trust and who can think strategically, deeply and critically.

8. Measure your outcomes and execute flawlessly:

There is a need to check the effectiveness of the strategies put in place and tweak it when necessary. Rigidity is an absolute no-no!


As a result of all these, it is pertinent that strategic planning must be implemented to build a successful business venture. Discipline in following the strategies is a must; and senior executives must take a proactive approach to implement this plan, as they are the ones most responsible for promoting processes that keep a team focused on the goal to achieve it. Strategies, on the other hand, outline how to proceed to accomplish the desired results. The strategies assist the organization in determining how to concentrate on the most important aspects to attain its vision and goals. the company's desired success.

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